Hey Afriqans, feeling all pumped considering the fact that its been a while since I spoke with y’all. Well, there is no doubt that Nigeria, and Africa as a whole has had a pile of issues to juggle over the past months ranging from the elections in Zimbabwe, Mali, the coming elections in Mauritania, Sao Tome, Guinea-Bissau; the Fulani Herds Men killings around Nigeria, the return of Abacha’s $322.5million, the controversial 6% increase in Nigeria’s 2018 budget, to mention but a few.

 However, my focus would be directed to the 31st Ordinary Summit of the  African Union (AU) policy organs held in Nouakchott, Mauritania on the 1syt of July, 2018 with the theme ‘Winning the Fight Against Corruption: A Sustainable Path to Africa’s Transformation.’ Although this summit revolved around a number of issues such as the self financing of the AU, Security and humanitarian issues on the continent, the continental Free Trade Area among others, in my opinion, the issue of corruption must be the focal point of this summit.

 Corruption has literally robbed African nations of their potentials and wealth. Security issues and other existing controversies in the socio-political, economic landscape of African affairs can be tied down to corruption which is a phenomenon that has almost become a norm in the continent.
As a matter of fact, for Africa to tackle corruption in the continent successfully, there must be a deep cohesion among the entire community of African states, not just in words or in the mere parade of impressive institutional names, but in deed. We must unite genuinely and work together towards the total repair and rehabilitation of this continent, Africa.

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