Mauritania in 20 minutes

Having the official name of Islamic Republic of Mauritania, the history of Mauritania dates back to the 3rd Century AD. Mauritania was first explored by the Portuguese in the 25th century. Gained her independence in Nov. 28, 1960 and was admitted to the UN in 1961.

 It is situated in North-western part of Africa with about 350mi (592 km) of coastline on the Atlantic Ocean. It is estimated to be the size of Arizona. Its Capital is called Nouakchott, Mauritania which means ‘Place of the Winds’. Majority of Mauritanians are devout Moslems and belong to the Sunni sect. The Arabic language is the official language or lingua-franca of Mauritania. Mauritania is the 28th largest country in the world.

Looking at Mauritania from space, one sees an image which is similar to that of a bull’s eye. That image is called the ‘The Eye of Africa’. Its a Richat Structure with a diameter of about 30 miles. Mauritania’s national income depends on the export of iron ore, fishing and off shore oil wells. Her natural resources include gold, gypsum, phosphate, diamonds, copper and oil.

The most famous landmark in the capital, Port de Peche is a boardwalk and fishing port on the west side of Nouakchott. Mauritania is renowned for her exquisite beaches and as a result of France’s colonial influence in Mauritania, the education system is based on a francophone system.

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